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Meet Stutrepreneur Patrick Mazurek

Introducing Patrick Mazurek: A fourth year Queen’s Commerce student and founder of WeAreWell (

Given that sustainable innovations and solutions are becoming more relevant in today's society, WeAreWell uses this trend, along with their innovative products, to stand out in the CBD industry. Consumers are willing to spend more money on sustainable products. Pair this with healthy CBD alternatives to counter stress, and WeAreWell could be the next unicorn. Today, we have Patrick who is the co-founder of WeAreWell, and he discusses his experiences and hacks to being a successful student and entrepreneur.


Question: “What is WeAreWell? & Why did you start this company?”

Answer: “When entering the business world I knew I wanted to create a company that was sustainable and ethical.”

Patrick initially was drawn to this project when analyzing the parent company, Proctor and Gamble. He admits that their business model is phenomenal, however, there can be improvement in terms of sustainability, supply chain transparency, and cleaner ingredients in their products. Patrick believes that we should look at companies with a broader scope and ensure they are building brands that are ethical, sustainable, and have natural ingredients. Thus, he created We Are Well, his sustainable and clean ingredient CBD gummy company.

“Every brand under the WeAreWell umbrella will have clean ingredients, eco-friendly packaging, off-set its carbon, and have full transparency. The first products made by WeAreWell will be consumable products, specifically CBD stress reliever gummies, but we plan to expand into sustainable clothing as well.”

Patrick also explained that his company did not start with this idea initially, it was developed over time through trial and error. A friend actually asked him and his co-founder for consulting advice on a company of his own and from there, their team began to form. This is a perfect example that companies are not made in a day and company concepts take time to develop. However, the driver behind these companies is hard work, dedication, and passion.


Question: “Where is WeAreWell now in terms of traction, team and size?”

Answer: “We are actually in a bit of a limbo phase right now because we are pivoting. But our soft launch was June 10th. At that time we had a core team of 5 and a total team of 15. We kept our product to live to 30 different customers, 2 different customers a day. We are now starting to collect customer feedback which is key! Initially there was a bit of a disconnect within our team, product, and customer relationship, but we're really improving and shaping it into something more lean.”


Question: “Does your team have any funding and, if so, what was the process behind raising this capital?”

Answer: “Right now we are just kind of scrapping and bootstrapping. Rather than reaching out to expensive consulting firms we are reaching out to professionals and groups on Linkedin to get free, valuable information.”

Patricks strategy is proof that not all companies need to focus on raising capital in initial phases. One should utilize free resources such as networking and relationships to gain key business insights.


Question: “What does a typical day look like for you balancing school and work?”

Answer: “Time management is key! Personally, I perform best when focusing on a strong morning and evening routine. Most importantly, I have a good morning consisting of deep work with my phone away, knocking off to-do list items with no distractions. I always take 2 hours by myself in the morning which saves my brain time and energy later in the day or week.”

Patrick also stresses the importance of focusing on one's mental health and self-growth. He explains how important it is to have a clear head on your shoulders to bring yourself more energy. This concept is something that is often overlooked by entrepreneurs because they put so much time into work and school that they forget about themselves. Make sure to schedule out time for yourself in the day to avoid burn-out and maintain a healthy mind.

“Remember, you are the biggest asset your business has!”


Question: “What are some challenges you faced with your startup, and how did you overcome them?”

Answer: “What has brought our team success is viewing adversity as an opportunity rather than a set-back. A big challenge we faced when initially launching our health and wellness vape was when the CDC released a notice regarding the hazards of nicotine vapes. We even had mistakes with our manufacturers with our CBD gummies because the packaging was misprinted. In all these cases we just focused on staying positive and improving our brand. When we actually had that 2 month manufacturing set-back we decided to launch some sustainable merch with each purchase planting 25 trees in Madagascar. This got people wearing our brand and getting our company values into the public.”

What a mature and optimistic outlook to view adversity as an opportunity. That is something we as Stutrepreneurs should always remember!


Question: “Where will we see you in 5 years?”

Answer: “WeAreWell will be an ethical product available worldwide and I will be working remotely, able to complete my work anywhere, any time. I mean the progress is up and down but it's important to stay positive and keep that bigger picture in mind that I mentioned before. I’d also like to see a trend towards more ethical business with mindful stakeholders, especially in larger companies such as Proctor and Gamble and Nestle.”


Question: “Any other last words for aspiring student entrepreneurs?

Answer: “Always take time to reflect and give your brain a chance to rest and recharge. I always get my best ideas when my mind is clear and my laptop is closed. Personally, breath-work has really helped me tap into my subconscious and I would recommend it to anyone. Even just journaling, it is great for problem solving. Put pen to paper at least once a day! Overall, just focus on self-improvement and that is how you will reach success.”


Key Takeaways:

Patrick offered someone valuable insights that we have yet to hear from any other Stutrepreneur interviewed on the blog thus far. Here are some of our main takeaways:

  • Youth are looking for sustainable and ethical companies.

  • Businesses don't always start with an initial idea or team - they can develop over time at the most unexpected occasions. Don't be afraid to pursue new opportunities or business relationships!

  • Networking is key! Never underestimate the power of networking, especially as a student with limited capital.

  • Focus on yourself and your mental health to be more productive in your work and to avoid burn-out.

  • Utilize free resources to gain information for your business such as Linkedin.

  • Be passionate and optimistic about your brand to push through challenges.

  • Put pen to paper at least once a day!

If you have any questions regarding this interview or are looking to speak with Patrick directly, feel free to fill out the contact form on our “Contact Us” page or email us at


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